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Ruwhiu, Diane, Dr Diane Ruwhiu is of Ngāpuhi descent and is a lecturer in the Department of Management, University of Otāgo.


Sinclair, Moana, NgatI Kauwhata, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Ngai Tahu and Maniapoto. She is a Solicitor in Treaty of Waitangi litigation at Tunnicliffe Walters Williams, Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland.
Smith, Graham Hingangaroa, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngati Apa. He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Education, Auckland University.
Smith, Huhana, Ngati Tukorehe. She is an assistant lecturer in Te Putahi-a-Toi, School of Maori Studies, Massey University.
Smith, Huhana, Huhana Smith is of Ngāti Tukerohe descent and is Concept Leader Tangata Whenua, Te Papa.
Smith, Linda, Ngati Awa and Ngati Porou. She is Professor and Director of International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education, University of Auckland.
Smith, Linda, Linda Smith is of Ngati Awa, Ngati Porou descent and is the Director of Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, University of Auckland.
Soutar, Monty
Soutar, Monty, Ngati Porou. Massey University.
Soutar, Monty, Ngati Porou. Co-ordinator, Postgraduate Programme at Te Putahi-a-Toi, School of Maori Studies, Massey University.
Stafford, Jo, Jo Stafford is Ngāti Rarua, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Kinohaku and works at Tapata Wines Ltd., Blenheim.
Stephans, Māmari, Māmari Stephans,Te Rarawa, Ngati Moetanga, Te Rokeka, Te Kawa a Maui, University of Victoria.
Stevenson, Brendan, Brendan Stevenson is of Ngā Puhi and Ngāti Porou descent and is a research officer at Te Hoe Nuku Roa, Te Piitahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
Sullivan, Ann, Associate Professor Ann Sullivan is Ngā Puhi. she is a political scientist in the Department of Māori Studies, Auckland University.
Sullivan, Ann, Nga Puhi. She is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Waikato. (New Zealand)


Taiapa, J T, Ngati Porou. Massey University.
Taiapa, Julia, Julia Taiapa is Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Ngāti Kauwhata. She is a lecturer in Māori Studies, Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
Taiapa, Julia, Ngati Porou, Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngati Kauwhata. She is a lecturer in the Department of Maori Studies, Massey University. (New Zealand)
Taiapa, Julia, Massey University
Taiapa, Julia T, Ngati Porou, Te Whanau-a-Apanui and Ngati Kauwhata. She is a lecturer in Maori Studies, Te Putahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
Taiepa, Todd, Tuhoe. He is a lecturer in the School of Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University.
Taiepa, Todd, Tuhoe. He is a lecture in the School of Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University.
Taonui, Rawiri, Professor Rawiri Taonui is of Te Hikutū, Te Kapotai, Ngāti Rora and Ngāti Te Taonui descent.
Tapiata, Jacob
Tapsell, Rees, Psychiatrist, Mason Clinic, Auckland.

176 - 200 of 227 Items    << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 


He Pukenga Kōrero is Published by Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, Māori Studies, Massey University.

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