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Gee, Susan, Susan Gee, School of Psychology, University of Victoria.
Gilbert, Kingi, Kingi Gilbert is Te Arawa, Ngāti Rarua and Ngāti Maniapoto and works at Ignite Studios, Auckland.
Gillies, Annemarie, Dr Anne Marie Gillies is Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Awa, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Te Arawa. She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management, College of Business, Massey University.
Gillies, Annemarie, Dr Annemarie Gillies is Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Awa, Te Whanau-a-Apanui and Te Arawa. She is a lecturer in the Department of Management, School of Business Studies, Massey University.
Glynn, Ted, Professor in the Department of Education, Auckland University.
Gordon-Burns, Diane, Diane Gordon-Burns is of Waikato descent and is a lecturer in Early Childhood Education, University of Canterbury, College of Education
Gosnell, Joseph, He is a Nisga'a High Chief and was the Lead Negotiator for the Nisga'a Treaty.

1 - 7 of 7 Items    


He Pukenga Kōrero is Published by Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, Māori Studies, Massey University.

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