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Rawiri, Āneta, Ngāti Rangi, Whanganui, Ngāti Raukawa, ngāti Tuwharetoa and Waikato
Reedy, Tamati Muturangi, Ngati Porou. He is the Dean of the School of Maori and Pacific Development at Waikato University.
Reid, Papaarangi, Te Ropu Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington.
Reilly, Michael, Professor of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, University of Otāgo
Reilly, Michael, Professor of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, University of Otago
Rewi, Poia, Associate Professor Poia Rewi is of Tūhoe, Ngāti Manawa and Te Arawa descent and lectures in Māori oratory and Māori history at Te Tumu/School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, Otago University
Rewi, Tangiwai, Tangiwai Rewi is of Ngāti Tipā, Ngāti Amaru and Ngāti Tahinga (Waikato) descent and is a senior Lecturer in Te Tumu, School of Māori, Pacific & Indigenous Studies, University of Otāgo.
Richardson, P, Te Whanau-a-Apanui. Massey University.
Richardson, Pare
Richardson, Pare, Te Whanau-a-Apanui. She is a lecturer in Maori Studies, Te Putahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
Robson, Bridget, She is a Researcher at Te Ropu Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington.
Roskruge, Nick, Dr Nick Roskruge is Te Ātiawa and Ngāti Tama-ariki. He is a senior lecturer in Horticulture and Māori Resource Management in the Institute of Natural Resources, College of Sciences, Massey University
Royal, Te Ahukaramu Charles, Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Hauraki (Ngati Maru) and Ngati Wharara. He is Director, Graduate Studies, Te Whare Wananga o Raukawa, Otaki.
Royal, Turoa, Victoria University, Te Wananga o Raukawa
Ruwhiu, Diane, Dr Diane Ruwhiu is of Ngāpuhi descent and is a lecturer in the Department of Management, University of Otāgo.
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