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Mako, Noreen, Noreen Mako is Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Tuwharetoa and Waikato.
Mataamua, Rangi, Dr Rangi Mataamua is Ngāi Tūhoe.
Maynard, Kristen, Rongowhakaata and Ngati Porou. She is a lawyer and a senior policy advisor in the Department of Corrections.
McFarland, Agnes Jean, Agnes McFarland is of Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Pikiao descent. She is a lecturer at Te Uru Māraurau, Massey University
McKinley, S A, Ngati Kahungunu. Massey University.
McKinley, Sheridan A, Ngati Kahungunu. She is a Research Officer at the New Zealand Council for Educational Research, Wellington. She was formerly Programme Manager of Toi te Kupu Research Project, Maori Studies, Te Putahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
McQueen, Robert J, Associate Professor in the Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato.
Mead, Aroha Te Pareake, Ngati Awa and Ngati Porou.
Mead, Aroha Te Pareake, Aroha Te Pareake Mead is a Senior Lecturer in Maori Business, Victoria Management School, Victoria University
Mead, Hirini Moko
Mercier, Ocean Ripeka, Dr Ocean Mercier is Ngati Porou. She is a lecturer in the School of Maori Studies, Te Kawa a Maui, Victoria University.
Mere, Kepa, Dr Mere Kepa is of Ngāti Whātua, Ngāi Tūhoe, Whakatōhea and Te Whānau-a-Apanui descent and is a Project Manager (Māori cohort) & Research Fellow, Life and Living in Advances Age Cohort Study in NZ, Faculty of Medicine and Health Services, the Unive
Meredith, Paul, Ngati Maniapoto. He is a member of the Bicultural Laws Project. University of Waikato.
Meyer, Manu, Tangata Maoli of Hawaii. She is the Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo.
Mikaere, Annie, Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga. She is a lecturer in the School of Law, University of Waikato.
Morris, Hone, Hone Morris is of Ngāti Kahungunu descent and is a lecturer at Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Mutu, Margaret, Ngati Kahu, Te Rarawa and Ngati Whatua. She is Claimant Research Director, Muriwhenua Tribes, University of Auckland.
Mutu, Margaret, Ngati Kahu, Te Rarawa, Ngati Whatua. Head of Department Maori Studies, University of Auckland.
Opai, Keri, Keri Opai is of Taranaki descent.
Ormsby, Clint, Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Kahungunu. He is a Research Assistant at Te Ropu Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington.
Ormsby, Clint, Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Kahungunu. He is a Research Assistant at Te Ropu Ranghau Hauora a Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington. (New Zealand)
Ormsby, Wayne, Ngati Kahungunu. He is a Research Assistant at Te Ropu Ranghau Hauora a Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington.
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