He Pukenga Korero, Vol 3, No 2 (1998)

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Sacred Balance

Aroha Te Pareake Mead


Ko te pūtake o tā te iwi Māori taki i tōna ao ko te

koroki atu ki Te Kauae Raro kiTe Kauae Runga. Ko

ēnei kōrero kei te mau tonu ki te matamata o te ārero,

o te hinengaro. Kei te noho ngātahi tonu ngā weu me

nga pūtake o tā te Māori whakarahi kōrero ki te

pūtaiao. Ko ngā ihoiho, ko te wairua o tua whakarere

ka noho rauhi mai, kāore e wehe ana. Engari ka honoa,

ka tū ake ki te ao takatū nei ka tōia, ka takahia ki roto

tikanga pōhēhē e te hunga pōhēhē kia ā mai ko tā

Darwin mā hei pae kōhiko kōrero. Ka whakangarotia

tō tāua mākau whakarahi.

Ko ngā heke, te ana whakamātau korero a te rahi

o Tauiwi kua pokapoka noa i ngā ihoiho, ka

whakawarea, ka whakapūhoretia te iho matua o ngā

puta mai i tōna noho mārihi ki roto i te pūtaiao. Ko

tēnei tikanga ka noho hāngai kia whakahaua ko te whai

pūtea te waka rangatira hei hoe. Ko ēnei momo

whakarato ka noho hei māminga i te aho matua o ngā

momo tāngata whenua katoa o te ao.

Manaakitia, rapua te tapu te rahi maioro o ngā

rawa o Papatūānuku hei kete wānanga whakaora i te

hunga tangata e noho nei ki te mata o te ao katoa,

kaua e whakanui i te pūkoro o te toko iti.


The Ranginui and Papatūānuku cosmological or

genealogical narrative provides iwi Māori with the

whakapapa of existence and connection. Maori

traditional knowledge and philosophy is bound by this

pro-creative narrative. The narrative promotes

concepts of integrity and inter-dependency of living

things with the natural environment. Māori have a

spiritual and cultural inter-relationship with nature that

cannot be viewed as separate. However, indigenous

cosmological views are often discounted in a post-

Darwin reductionist construct of 'modern' science or


The legacy of Western evolutionary frameworks

has lead to extremes of biotechnological and scientific

research being carried out through gene manipulation,

cloning or isolation of resources from the natural ecosystem.

Such practices are aligned with abject

commercial imperatives. Such consumer driven

imperatives for ready access to unseasonal,

manipulated or modified resources is fundamentally

disempowering to indigenous peoples.

A sacred balance of sustainable utilisation and

protection of the earth's resources is for the survival

of all humankind, rather than the profits of a few.

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