He Pukenga Korero, Vol 9, No 1 (2009)

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Māori Radio Broadcasting: A Brief History

Rangi Mataamua


Kupu Whakataki
Mai i töna putanga mai, ko tä te irirangi Mäori he
takahi i te huarahi e mauritau ai te noho i roto tonu i
ngä ähuatanga o tëtehi kaupapa mahi të aro mai ai i tä
te Mäori i hiahia ai. Heoi anö i nätatanei e kitea ana e
tätou te püäwaitanga o te päpäho Mäori, tae atu ki te
whakarewatanga o te waka nei, o Te Whakaata Mäori,
me te whakanaketanga ake o ngä teihana irirangi Mäori
e 21. I runga tonu i te möhio ko te pütaketanga o ënei
tohu whai tikanga ko ëtehi tängata takitahi me ëtehi röpü
näna i whakamäro ai te papa o te päpäho Mäori. Ko tä
te pepa nei, he tühura i te körero o mua mö te irirangi
Mäori mai i töna takahanga tuatahi tae noa mai ki töna
ähua o näianei. Ka whakamäramatia ko ëtehi o ngä pou
irirangi Mäori me ëtehi o ngä kaupapa nui o mua i whai
wähi mai ki te whakatupuranga o te irirangi Mäori hei
kaupapa whai mana e möhio nei tätou i ënei rä.

Since its inception, Mäori radio has been on a journey
of recognition, seeking a foothold in an industry that has
rarely shown sympathy for Mäori needs. Yet in recent
times we have seen a flourishing of Mäori broadcasting
including the successful launch of Mäori television, and
the development of 21 Mäori radio stations. Still these
significant milestones owe much to the endeavours of
certain individuals and organisations who established the
foundations of Mäori broadcasting. This paper explores
the history of Mäori radio from its infancy through to its
current situation and highlights a number of prominent
individuals and pivotal historical events that contributed
to the development of Mäori radio, and shaped it into the
institution it is today.

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