Māori Business Branding: Achieving Competitive Advantage in Global Markets
Kupu Whakataki
Ko tënei momo kaupapa, whakaaturanga he whakakao
mai i ngä körero hïtoria me tönä pütake hei tohu i te
whakaaturanga Mäori ki ngä momo kaipäkihi mäkete e hua
ai te whakaaro hei whakawhänui ake i te whakapakaritanga
ohaoha whai rawa a te Mäori. Ka whakaräpopototia
ngä kitenga mai i tënei o ngä kaupapa rangahau, te
whakaaturanga arä: “kia pakari te whakataetae ki ngä
mäkete whänui o te ao” me te whakatakoto huarahi mö
ngä momo kaipäkihi Mäori e hiahiatia ana, kia hängai
hoki ki öna momo ahurea whakaritenga. Ko tënei kaupapa
rangahau i whakahaeretia mai i te tau 2003 ki te 2007,
ko töna kaupapa he whakautu e whä onä nei öna momo
pätai rangahau: he aha tënei mea te tohu, e ärikarika nei
ngä mäkete o täwahi ki te tohu Mäori, ä, ka täea anö e te
tohu Mäori te whakawhänui ake i ngä ümanga kaipäkihi
whakapakaritanga. I kitea e tënei rangahau ahakoa e
kaingäkau mai ana ngä mäkete o tawähi ki te tohu Mäori,
ko te whakaaturanga o te tohu he whakaatu i tönä tuakiri
me te whakanoho i önä ake körero. Kia riro ai ko te taha
tohu Mäori hei hiki ake i tönä ähua. Ko te mahi mä te
Mäori, me aro kaha ia ki te whakapakari ake i töna ahurea,
mana whakatau, kätahi ka hono i ana momo kaipäkihi
rätonga kia märama ki te ‘ahurea o aua momo mäkete’.
This paper discusses the historical background and context
for Mäori branding in global markets and its potential
role in expanding Mäori economic development. Using
data from the research project, Waka Tohu - Mäori
business branding: Achieving competitive advantage in
global markets, guidelines for Mäori business wanting to
capitalise on their cultural distinctiveness are provided.
The project which ran from 2003–2007, explored four
main research questions: What is branding? Are overseas
markets responsive to Mäori branding? Can Mäori
branding be used to gain competitive advantage in overseas
markets? and, Can Mäori brands be used to expand Mäori
economic development? This study found that while
overseas markets are responsive to cultural distinctiveness
such as Mäori branding, Mäori businesses use branding
mainly to express their own identity and tell a story. To
gain competitive advantage from their indigeneity, Mäori
business should recognise, position and strengthen their
own cultural identity and integrity, and then base their
marketing strategies on an understanding of the culture
of the market place.
Ko tënei momo kaupapa, whakaaturanga he whakakao
mai i ngä körero hïtoria me tönä pütake hei tohu i te
whakaaturanga Mäori ki ngä momo kaipäkihi mäkete e hua
ai te whakaaro hei whakawhänui ake i te whakapakaritanga
ohaoha whai rawa a te Mäori. Ka whakaräpopototia
ngä kitenga mai i tënei o ngä kaupapa rangahau, te
whakaaturanga arä: “kia pakari te whakataetae ki ngä
mäkete whänui o te ao” me te whakatakoto huarahi mö
ngä momo kaipäkihi Mäori e hiahiatia ana, kia hängai
hoki ki öna momo ahurea whakaritenga. Ko tënei kaupapa
rangahau i whakahaeretia mai i te tau 2003 ki te 2007,
ko töna kaupapa he whakautu e whä onä nei öna momo
pätai rangahau: he aha tënei mea te tohu, e ärikarika nei
ngä mäkete o täwahi ki te tohu Mäori, ä, ka täea anö e te
tohu Mäori te whakawhänui ake i ngä ümanga kaipäkihi
whakapakaritanga. I kitea e tënei rangahau ahakoa e
kaingäkau mai ana ngä mäkete o tawähi ki te tohu Mäori,
ko te whakaaturanga o te tohu he whakaatu i tönä tuakiri
me te whakanoho i önä ake körero. Kia riro ai ko te taha
tohu Mäori hei hiki ake i tönä ähua. Ko te mahi mä te
Mäori, me aro kaha ia ki te whakapakari ake i töna ahurea,
mana whakatau, kätahi ka hono i ana momo kaipäkihi
rätonga kia märama ki te ‘ahurea o aua momo mäkete’.
This paper discusses the historical background and context
for Mäori branding in global markets and its potential
role in expanding Mäori economic development. Using
data from the research project, Waka Tohu - Mäori
business branding: Achieving competitive advantage in
global markets, guidelines for Mäori business wanting to
capitalise on their cultural distinctiveness are provided.
The project which ran from 2003–2007, explored four
main research questions: What is branding? Are overseas
markets responsive to Mäori branding? Can Mäori
branding be used to gain competitive advantage in overseas
markets? and, Can Mäori brands be used to expand Mäori
economic development? This study found that while
overseas markets are responsive to cultural distinctiveness
such as Mäori branding, Mäori businesses use branding
mainly to express their own identity and tell a story. To
gain competitive advantage from their indigeneity, Mäori
business should recognise, position and strengthen their
own cultural identity and integrity, and then base their
marketing strategies on an understanding of the culture
of the market place.
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