Racism and the Invisibility of Māori in Public Policy
Kupu Whakataki
Mai i te tau 2002 e whakaara ake ai ngä ümanga
törangapü whakataetae, e noho hängai ana ki ngä kaupapa
aukati tangata ki ngä kaupapa here o Aotearoa. Ko te
whakaaratanga o aua kaupapa here e tau pënei ana
te körero ki te whakaaratia he kaupapa here mo tëtahi
momo iwi noa iho, tangata whenua ränei, he momo
aukati tangata. Ko te whäinga o ngä röpü törangapü nei
kia örite te titiro i ngä tikanga tangata, kia kotahi te ture
mö te katoa kia whai wähi ngä momo uarä kotahi hei
karapoti i Aotearoa nei. Putuputu ana te rere arorangi
o te whakaaro törangapü ki Aotearoa nei he tängata
whakaaro tahi a Aotearoa, kotahi ake anö tönä titiro, ko
te kotahitanga, kotahi te ture mo ngä tängata katoa.
Koia te kaupapa o tënei tuhinga pepa he whakaara i ngä
kaupapa a ngä tängata törangapü, tä rätau e kï ana kei
te mähea te noho tahi a te tangata nö te mea kei te tukua
he tautoko ki tëtahi wähanga noa iho o ngä tängata e te
kaupapa here. Ka tirohia ngä kaupapa here häpori hängai
ki te Mäori, he momo aukati iwi tënei ähuatanga, ä, nä
runga i tënei kia whakatakototia mai e te hunga törangapü
e matangaro ai te momo tangata ki ngä kaupapa here, ä,
he aha hoki i pënei ai te titiro.
Since 2002 considerable political discourse has focused on
inequalities in New Zealand public policy. The inference
has been that determining polices on the basis of race,
ethnicity or indigeneity is unjust. Political parties have
been emphasising basic liberal principles of equal rights
and equal opportunities as core values of mainstream
New Zealand society. Considerable political rhetoric
has promoted the notion that New Zealand is a united
nation, with one standard of citizenship and one rule for
everyone. This paper will identify issues that politicians
have been characterising as undermining democracy and
providing special treatment for one sector of the population
and consider its impact on public policy. It will discuss
why public policies that targeted Mäori as an ethnic group
have been characterised as racist and demonstrate that
the political response to such claims has had the effect
of making ethnicity invisible in public policy and why
it matters.
Mai i te tau 2002 e whakaara ake ai ngä ümanga
törangapü whakataetae, e noho hängai ana ki ngä kaupapa
aukati tangata ki ngä kaupapa here o Aotearoa. Ko te
whakaaratanga o aua kaupapa here e tau pënei ana
te körero ki te whakaaratia he kaupapa here mo tëtahi
momo iwi noa iho, tangata whenua ränei, he momo
aukati tangata. Ko te whäinga o ngä röpü törangapü nei
kia örite te titiro i ngä tikanga tangata, kia kotahi te ture
mö te katoa kia whai wähi ngä momo uarä kotahi hei
karapoti i Aotearoa nei. Putuputu ana te rere arorangi
o te whakaaro törangapü ki Aotearoa nei he tängata
whakaaro tahi a Aotearoa, kotahi ake anö tönä titiro, ko
te kotahitanga, kotahi te ture mo ngä tängata katoa.
Koia te kaupapa o tënei tuhinga pepa he whakaara i ngä
kaupapa a ngä tängata törangapü, tä rätau e kï ana kei
te mähea te noho tahi a te tangata nö te mea kei te tukua
he tautoko ki tëtahi wähanga noa iho o ngä tängata e te
kaupapa here. Ka tirohia ngä kaupapa here häpori hängai
ki te Mäori, he momo aukati iwi tënei ähuatanga, ä, nä
runga i tënei kia whakatakototia mai e te hunga törangapü
e matangaro ai te momo tangata ki ngä kaupapa here, ä,
he aha hoki i pënei ai te titiro.
Since 2002 considerable political discourse has focused on
inequalities in New Zealand public policy. The inference
has been that determining polices on the basis of race,
ethnicity or indigeneity is unjust. Political parties have
been emphasising basic liberal principles of equal rights
and equal opportunities as core values of mainstream
New Zealand society. Considerable political rhetoric
has promoted the notion that New Zealand is a united
nation, with one standard of citizenship and one rule for
everyone. This paper will identify issues that politicians
have been characterising as undermining democracy and
providing special treatment for one sector of the population
and consider its impact on public policy. It will discuss
why public policies that targeted Mäori as an ethnic group
have been characterised as racist and demonstrate that
the political response to such claims has had the effect
of making ethnicity invisible in public policy and why
it matters.
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