In Our Grandmothers’ Words: Mäori Grandmothers’ Views on Mäori Youth
Kupu Whakataki
Nei ng ä tirohanga o ngä kuia Mäori i roto i tënei
atikara hei wetewete i ëtehi take kei mua tonu i te aroaro
rangatahi. He nui ngä manuka kua takotoria ki mua i te
rangatahi Mäori o näianei, ä, he rerekë noa ake i ngä
ähuatanga i pä ki ngä reanga o mua rä. E matapakingia
ana ëtehi o aua wero, kätahi ka whakatauritea ki ö ngä
tirohanga kuia kia kitea mai ai ëtehi whakataunga raruraru.
Ko tä te mahi nei he whakamärama i te tühonotanga
motuhake i waenganui i ngä kuia me ngä rangatahi. He
mea whakamana i ö rätou reo.
This paper explores Máori grandmother’s views and
concerns for their mokopuna. Máori youth today face a
diverse range of challenges that are significantly different
to those faced by previous generations. According to the
grandmothers interviewed, changes to whánau structures
and an urbanised lifestyle have had a major impact on
the way that mokopuna are raised. The grandmother’s
advocate for better support systems, the teaching of values
and the development of boundaries to assist rangatahi to
safely navigate the challenges that they face. This work
highlights the unique relationships between grandmothers
and rangatahi and privileges the voices and views of
Nei ng ä tirohanga o ngä kuia Mäori i roto i tënei
atikara hei wetewete i ëtehi take kei mua tonu i te aroaro
rangatahi. He nui ngä manuka kua takotoria ki mua i te
rangatahi Mäori o näianei, ä, he rerekë noa ake i ngä
ähuatanga i pä ki ngä reanga o mua rä. E matapakingia
ana ëtehi o aua wero, kätahi ka whakatauritea ki ö ngä
tirohanga kuia kia kitea mai ai ëtehi whakataunga raruraru.
Ko tä te mahi nei he whakamärama i te tühonotanga
motuhake i waenganui i ngä kuia me ngä rangatahi. He
mea whakamana i ö rätou reo.
This paper explores Máori grandmother’s views and
concerns for their mokopuna. Máori youth today face a
diverse range of challenges that are significantly different
to those faced by previous generations. According to the
grandmothers interviewed, changes to whánau structures
and an urbanised lifestyle have had a major impact on
the way that mokopuna are raised. The grandmother’s
advocate for better support systems, the teaching of values
and the development of boundaries to assist rangatahi to
safely navigate the challenges that they face. This work
highlights the unique relationships between grandmothers
and rangatahi and privileges the voices and views of
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