Tikanga Māori in the Workplace
Whakarāpopoto Kōrero
He tino mahi tā ngā uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei
hei pupuri i te ahurea me te tuakiri o ngā hapori Māori.
Ehara kau tēnei i te āhuatanga hou, engari ia he tikanga
nō mai rā anō te whakanui i te hapori me te iwi Māori
hei tūāpapa o ngā mahi whakahaere. Ko tā te pepa nei
he whakawhānui i tō tātou māramatanga ki ēnei uepū
whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei me ērā āhuatanga e āhei
ai e ngā uepū rā ngā hapori Māori te āwhina atu me te
tautoko atu hoki i te whakawhanaketanga o te Māori kia
koni whakamua.
Kei tēnei pepa ka meatia he anga ariā hei āta tirotiro
rautaki kia whakatōkia ai he tikanga ki te wāhi
mahi hei whakamahi ki ngā kaupapa here me ngā
whakahaeretanga o tētahi Tarati Whenua Māori hei
whakatauira atu me pēhea e whakakotahi ai i te ahurea
me te tuakiri ki roto ki tētahi uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o
āianei. Mea kaha mai ana he mea tino hira te tikanga
i te wāhi mahi hei pupuri i ngā rawa ā-iwi me te whai
wāhi mai o te hapori. Me te aha, mā te tikanga e taea ai
e ngā uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei te tū hei māngai,
hei kanohi mō ngā hapū ki ngā kaupapa taiao, kaupapa
kaitiaki hoki
Contemporary tribal organisations play a critical role in
sustaining the culture and identity of Māori communities.
This is by no means a new feature of these entities, rather
a continuation of a long history of placing communities
and Māori people at the centre of organisational activities.
This paper seeks to enhance our understanding of
the nature of contemporary tribal organisations and
those elements that enable organisations to service
communities and contribute to Māori development and
In this paper a conceptual framework for examining
strategies for embedding tikanga into the workplace is
applied to the policy and operations of a Māori Land Trust
to demonstrate how culture and identity are integrated into a contemporary tribal organisation. It is argued that
tikanga in the workplace is critical for retention of tribal
property and ensuring accountability to community. As
a consequence tikanga enables contemporary Māori
organisations to continue to play a key environmental
advocacy and kaitiakitanga role on behalf of the local
He tino mahi tā ngā uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei
hei pupuri i te ahurea me te tuakiri o ngā hapori Māori.
Ehara kau tēnei i te āhuatanga hou, engari ia he tikanga
nō mai rā anō te whakanui i te hapori me te iwi Māori
hei tūāpapa o ngā mahi whakahaere. Ko tā te pepa nei
he whakawhānui i tō tātou māramatanga ki ēnei uepū
whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei me ērā āhuatanga e āhei
ai e ngā uepū rā ngā hapori Māori te āwhina atu me te
tautoko atu hoki i te whakawhanaketanga o te Māori kia
koni whakamua.
Kei tēnei pepa ka meatia he anga ariā hei āta tirotiro
rautaki kia whakatōkia ai he tikanga ki te wāhi
mahi hei whakamahi ki ngā kaupapa here me ngā
whakahaeretanga o tētahi Tarati Whenua Māori hei
whakatauira atu me pēhea e whakakotahi ai i te ahurea
me te tuakiri ki roto ki tētahi uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o
āianei. Mea kaha mai ana he mea tino hira te tikanga
i te wāhi mahi hei pupuri i ngā rawa ā-iwi me te whai
wāhi mai o te hapori. Me te aha, mā te tikanga e taea ai
e ngā uepū whakahaere ā-iwi o āianei te tū hei māngai,
hei kanohi mō ngā hapū ki ngā kaupapa taiao, kaupapa
kaitiaki hoki
Contemporary tribal organisations play a critical role in
sustaining the culture and identity of Māori communities.
This is by no means a new feature of these entities, rather
a continuation of a long history of placing communities
and Māori people at the centre of organisational activities.
This paper seeks to enhance our understanding of
the nature of contemporary tribal organisations and
those elements that enable organisations to service
communities and contribute to Māori development and
In this paper a conceptual framework for examining
strategies for embedding tikanga into the workplace is
applied to the policy and operations of a Māori Land Trust
to demonstrate how culture and identity are integrated into a contemporary tribal organisation. It is argued that
tikanga in the workplace is critical for retention of tribal
property and ensuring accountability to community. As
a consequence tikanga enables contemporary Māori
organisations to continue to play a key environmental
advocacy and kaitiakitanga role on behalf of the local
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