He Pukenga Korero, Vol 5, No 1 (1999)

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Kaupapa Maori Meets Retrospective Cohort

Vera Keefe, Clint Ormsby, Bridget Robson, Papaarangi Reid, Fiona Cram, Gordon Purdie


Ko te kaupapa o tēnei tuhinga, he āta tātari i nga āhuatanga
Māori i whai wāhi atu ki te rangahautanga tirotiro i te
pānga mai o te noho kore mahi ki te hauora o te tangata.
Koia nei tētahi wāhanga o te kaupapa matua a Te Rōpū
Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare, i tapaina te ingoa Mauri
Mahi Mauri Ora, Mauri Noho Mauri Mate: Te pānga mai
o te kore mahi me te whakamutua o te mahi ki te hauora
o te tangata. Ahakoa he matatini ngā tikanga rangahau,
ko te kaupapa Māori te tūāpapa. Ka tirohia te whaihua o
tēnei huarahi rangahau me te mōhio anō, kāore i tutuki
pai te mahi, mehemea kāore i whāia tēnei huarahi e
tūāpapa mai ana i te ao Māori me ōna tikanga.

This paper discusses the Māori processes and
methodology that have surrounded a seemingly typical
epidemiological cohort study of the health effects of
redundancy. Kaupapa Māori is the central paradigm that
underlies this research. Kaupapa Māori is a strategy for
selecting research topics and themes. This strategy can
facilitate a positive difference for Māori training and
mentoring Māori researchers and assist in developing
more appropriate methods for working with Māori
"Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora, Mauri Noho, Mauri Mate:
The health effects of unemployment and redundancy" is
a major research programme for Te Rōpū Rangahau
Hauora a Eru Pōmare. The programme takes a
multimethods approach to this research topic. The
retrospective cohort study is a project within this
programme. While this study uses a standard research
tool, the research reflects Māori processes. These are
examined in terms of enhancing research outcomes by
decreasing the risk of scientific colonialism. It is unlikely
that these processes would normally be reported.
However, it is our contention that the study would not
have been possible if the researchers and the research
were not centered in te Ao Māori. It is the impact of this
centering that we explore here.

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