International Perspectives and the Protection of Maori Cultural Heritage in Aotearoa
Ko tā te tuhinga nei he whakaatu i ngā taumata me
ngā tauāki mai i ngā kāwanatanga me ētahi atu rōpū e
tautoko ana i te mana tuku iho o ngā tāngata whenua
huri noa i te ao whānui. Koia hoki he horopaki hei
whakaatu i te mau ki ngā tikanga tuku iho e pā ana ki
ngā hua kua puta i te pūrongo a te Historical Heritage
Management Review i te Whiringa-ā-rangi 1998 me te
Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991.
This article discusses international standards,
declarations, governmental and non-governmental
activities that support indigenous rights and that promote
active maintenance, management and sustainability of
indigenous cultural heritage. This international
perspective provides a context to discuss the maintenance
of cultural heritage in relation to the outcomes of the
Historical Heritage Management Review Report of
November 1998 and the Resource Management Act
(RMA) 1991.
ngā tauāki mai i ngā kāwanatanga me ētahi atu rōpū e
tautoko ana i te mana tuku iho o ngā tāngata whenua
huri noa i te ao whānui. Koia hoki he horopaki hei
whakaatu i te mau ki ngā tikanga tuku iho e pā ana ki
ngā hua kua puta i te pūrongo a te Historical Heritage
Management Review i te Whiringa-ā-rangi 1998 me te
Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991.
This article discusses international standards,
declarations, governmental and non-governmental
activities that support indigenous rights and that promote
active maintenance, management and sustainability of
indigenous cultural heritage. This international
perspective provides a context to discuss the maintenance
of cultural heritage in relation to the outcomes of the
Historical Heritage Management Review Report of
November 1998 and the Resource Management Act
(RMA) 1991.
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