He Pukenga Korero, Vol 4, No 2 (1999)

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Collaborative Management: Enhancing Maori Participation in the Management of Natural Resources

Todd Taiepa


Neke atu i te kotahi rau tau te Māori e kauparetia ana
ki waho i ngā whakahaere a te kāwanatanga. Nā runga i
tēnei āhuatanga ka ngaro te mana Māori, tā te Māori
here ki ana uri o te taiao. Ka pēhia nuitia ngā hāpori
Māori o te tuawhenua e kore ai e tāea e rātau te tiaki, te
noho hei mana whakahaere i o rātau whenua.
Aua atu kua kakama te ao Māori ki te whakakoikoi i
ana niho whakarei, i tana kupu ki roto i ēnei whakahaere.
Heoti, e rua ngā wāhanga hei whai atu. Tuatahi me pēhea
te iwi Māori whakatau ai i āna whakahaere i āna tikanga
ki ngā whenua kui riro kē nei. Tuarua me pēhea
whakapakari ai ngā rawa kei te Māori tonu e pup uri ana,
ā me pēhea hoki te whakapakari i ngā rawa ka
whakahokia mai i raro i ngā mahi tinihanga, raupatu a
te kāwanatanga?
Ko tēnei e nanaioretia nei i roto i tēnei pepa me pēhea
rapu ai he huarahi kia mauritau, kia noho ngātahi ngā
whakaaro rangatiratanga ki te kaupapa, kia kaua, kia
kotahi te reo mo te katoa.

For well over a century Māori have been excluded
from an active role in mainstream governance, including
environmental planning. The legacy of this experience
is a loss of Māori ownership and control over natural
resources. This has placed communities under tremendous
pressure and reduced their own internal capacity to
develop and protect their remaining lands.
As a result there is now a strong impetus to find
proactive ways of enhancing Māori participation in
resource management. There are at least two key
implications which need to be considered. Firstly, how
can Māori be actively involved in managing particular
areas or resources which are not presently under their
ownership and control? Secondly, what kind of support
and assistance could be provided to enhance the ability
of Māori to develop the resources that they still have, or
that are returned to them as a result of their claims against
the crown?
This paper highlights key process requirements which
may be crucial if collaborative management agreements
are to be successful and lead to reconciliation and long
term commitments from all of the key parties.

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