A Tatau Korero: Te Whakamahere i nga Momo Korero Maori
He Whakarapopoto Korero
I roto i tēnei atikara, ka matapakina ētehi o ngā take
ariā hei hanga i tētehi pūnaha momo kōrero hei
whakamahere i ngā momo kōrero huhua o te reo Māori
mō roto i te horopaki mātauranga. Ka tirohia, ka
whakarārangihia ngā momo kōrero Māori kua puta mai
i ētehi pukapuka whakaako reo Māori hei whakaata i te
whanuitanga o ngā momo. Otirā, ka tirohia pēneihia kia
toru ngā kaupapa o te horopaki mātauranga, ka tirohia
te rerekētanga o te whakarārangi, o te whakamahere, o
te whānuitanga o ngā momo korero o ēnei kaupapa. Ina
ko Te Reo Māori i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa, he
āhua paku noa tāna nei whakamārama, tāna nei
whakamahi i te momo. Ko Toi te Kupu, he pātengi
raraunga e whakarārangi ana i ngā rauemi reo Māori,
neke atu i te rua mano, he momo kōrero o mua, he momo
kōrero o nāianei. Ko Te Puna, he kaupapa whakaingoa,
he punakupu, ka whakarārangihia ētehi momo kōrero
Māori, a, ka kawea ake te manuka takoto nei, ka
whakamāramahia ētehi o aua momo. Mā ēnei mea e toru,
me ētehi atu tauira, e kitea ai he ngoikore te
whakawhanaketanga o te pūnaha momo kōrero Māori,
anō nei kua taka mai i te rangi, he kaupapa tautauāmoa,
ahakoa he nui ngā hua ka puta kite kaupapa whakaora i
te reo Māori. Hei tauira, e whai ana ngā painga o te
pūnaha momo kōrero Māori, arā, te hanga kaupapa
mātauranga, te whakarārangi rauemi whare pukapuka,
te whakarite tānga reo Māori. Ka tohea, kia hangaia
tētehi punaha momo kōrero tōtika, he mea whakakōtuitui
i ngā momo kōrero o roto i te horopaki mātauranga me
ngā wāhi reo Māori whānui, e tuku ai he hua puta noa,
tatū atu ki te mahi marautanga, kite whakahaere pārongo,
ki te rautaki tā pukapuka.
This article discusses some of the theoretical issues
of creating a Māori genre taxonomy for the immersion
education context. Genre present in Māori language text
books are listed revealing a range of genre. In particular,
this article examines this range using three examples in
the education field that have approached the listing and
mapping of Māori genre differently. Te Reo Māori i roto
i te Marautanga o Aotearoa, the Māori language
curriculum document, is surprisingly sparse in its mention
and application of genre. Toi Te Kupu, a data base
cataloguing over two thousand Māori language resources,
includes traditional genre as well as relatively
contemporary Māori genre. He Puna Kupu Māori, a
Māori subject heading thesaurus, takes on the challenge
of listing and the more problematic challenge of defining
particular genre. These three, and other examples,
illustrate that the historical development of a national
genre system has been ad hoc and uncoordinated, even
though a Māori genre system would be useful in the field
of Māori language revitalisation. It is argued that the
development of a robust Māori genre system, that
synthesises genre from the education sector and wider
Māori language community, would have benefits and flow
on effects intersectorally, benefitting curriculum
development, information management, and strategic
publication planning.
I roto i tēnei atikara, ka matapakina ētehi o ngā take
ariā hei hanga i tētehi pūnaha momo kōrero hei
whakamahere i ngā momo kōrero huhua o te reo Māori
mō roto i te horopaki mātauranga. Ka tirohia, ka
whakarārangihia ngā momo kōrero Māori kua puta mai
i ētehi pukapuka whakaako reo Māori hei whakaata i te
whanuitanga o ngā momo. Otirā, ka tirohia pēneihia kia
toru ngā kaupapa o te horopaki mātauranga, ka tirohia
te rerekētanga o te whakarārangi, o te whakamahere, o
te whānuitanga o ngā momo korero o ēnei kaupapa. Ina
ko Te Reo Māori i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa, he
āhua paku noa tāna nei whakamārama, tāna nei
whakamahi i te momo. Ko Toi te Kupu, he pātengi
raraunga e whakarārangi ana i ngā rauemi reo Māori,
neke atu i te rua mano, he momo kōrero o mua, he momo
kōrero o nāianei. Ko Te Puna, he kaupapa whakaingoa,
he punakupu, ka whakarārangihia ētehi momo kōrero
Māori, a, ka kawea ake te manuka takoto nei, ka
whakamāramahia ētehi o aua momo. Mā ēnei mea e toru,
me ētehi atu tauira, e kitea ai he ngoikore te
whakawhanaketanga o te pūnaha momo kōrero Māori,
anō nei kua taka mai i te rangi, he kaupapa tautauāmoa,
ahakoa he nui ngā hua ka puta kite kaupapa whakaora i
te reo Māori. Hei tauira, e whai ana ngā painga o te
pūnaha momo kōrero Māori, arā, te hanga kaupapa
mātauranga, te whakarārangi rauemi whare pukapuka,
te whakarite tānga reo Māori. Ka tohea, kia hangaia
tētehi punaha momo kōrero tōtika, he mea whakakōtuitui
i ngā momo kōrero o roto i te horopaki mātauranga me
ngā wāhi reo Māori whānui, e tuku ai he hua puta noa,
tatū atu ki te mahi marautanga, kite whakahaere pārongo,
ki te rautaki tā pukapuka.
This article discusses some of the theoretical issues
of creating a Māori genre taxonomy for the immersion
education context. Genre present in Māori language text
books are listed revealing a range of genre. In particular,
this article examines this range using three examples in
the education field that have approached the listing and
mapping of Māori genre differently. Te Reo Māori i roto
i te Marautanga o Aotearoa, the Māori language
curriculum document, is surprisingly sparse in its mention
and application of genre. Toi Te Kupu, a data base
cataloguing over two thousand Māori language resources,
includes traditional genre as well as relatively
contemporary Māori genre. He Puna Kupu Māori, a
Māori subject heading thesaurus, takes on the challenge
of listing and the more problematic challenge of defining
particular genre. These three, and other examples,
illustrate that the historical development of a national
genre system has been ad hoc and uncoordinated, even
though a Māori genre system would be useful in the field
of Māori language revitalisation. It is argued that the
development of a robust Māori genre system, that
synthesises genre from the education sector and wider
Māori language community, would have benefits and flow
on effects intersectorally, benefitting curriculum
development, information management, and strategic
publication planning.
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