He Pukenga Korero, Vol 8, No 1 (2004)

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Te Hoe Nuku Roa: A Measure of Māori Cultural Identity

Brendan Stevenson


He Whakarapopoto
Ko te pūtake ia kia hautū ōrite te tātari o te ahurea
tuakiri, hāngai hoki kite whakataunga o te taha ahurea i
hangaia e Te Hoe Nuku Roa i te tau 1996. Ko te
whakataunga mote taha ahurea tuakiri e kōrerotia ana i
roto i tēnei pepā, kei te tautokotia i roto i te kaupapa
rangahau titiro tawhiti aTe Hoe Nuku Roa mo ngā kāinga
Māori (n=650). He tuari māori te ine i te ahurea tuakiri,
mai i te 0 kite 18 te ine whānui. Ko te 11 te tau toharite,
ko te 2.7 te ine mahora. Ko tēnei whakataunga ka whai
hua kia miirama ai kite taha ahurea tuakiri ki rota i tētahi
anga tāuanga.

Aim. To standardise the use of a single factor measure
of cultural identity based on the cultural indicators
developed byTe Hoe Nuku Roa (1996). The single
measure of cultural identity proposed in this paper was
supported by statistics drawn from a longitudinal study
of Māori households, Te Hoe Nuku Roa (n = 650). The
measure of cultural identity displayed a normal
distribution with a theoretical range of 0 to 18 (where a
higher score is consistent with a more secure identity), a
mean of 11, and a SD of 2. 7. The measure is expected to
be particularly useful in understanding Māori cultural
identity within a statistical framework

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