He Pukenga Korero, Vol 8, No 1 (2004)

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Is the Web being used to speak our Language?

Te Taka Keegan, Sally Jo Cunningham, Richard Benton


He Aria
Ko te reo Māori kei runga i te ipurangi, me kī kei
runga i te Tukutuku Ao Whānui, te kaupapa o tēnei
tuhinga. Kātahi anō kia oti te āta tirotiro haere i ngā
tūranga ipurangi e kōrero ana i te reo Māori. Nō reira,
ka whāki mai aua tatau o nāianei, me ki o te tau 2002, me ngā tatau hoki i kite atu i te tau 1998. Ka kōrerotia ngā painga, ngā pēhitanga me ngā whakatau mō te oranga o ngā reo tangata whenua i te ao ipurangi nei.

This paper presents results from extensive surveys of
the usage of Māori language on the World Wide Web
conducted in 1998 and 2002. Issues both supportive and
detrimental relating to the use and publication of
indigenous languages in the World Wide Web will be
highlighted. Specifically: how is the World Wide Web
being used to articulate the Māori language?

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