Focus and Scope
He Pukenga Korero is a journal of Māori Studies. It accepts original articles in Māori or English. The focus of the articles should be directly relevant to Māori language, or Māori cultural, social, scientific, technological, and economic development.
Peer Review Process
Papers submitted for publication will be: peer reviewed by two expert referees approved by the Editorial Committee. Each submission will be reviewed on the following: academic standard, originality and relevancy to Māori development. If substantial changes are recommended, referee’s comments will be made available and papers will be returned to authors for rewriting and resubmission. If papers are not accepted for publication, referee’s comments will be made available. The review process can be lengthy allow at least 3 months.
Publication Frequency
Two issues are published each year.
Delayed Open Access
The contents of this journal will be available in an open access format 24 month(s) after an issue is published.