Nga Whakakitenga Nui kei te Ao Maori mo te Waiora, te Haora me te Mauriora
E anga whakaroto, whakawaho, whakarunga,
whakararo ana te titiro ki te katoa o ngā ao o te Māori,
ki te maha hoki o ngā atua, te rahi me te iti hoki o ngā
whakatipuranga i puta ki aua ao. Nā te mea kei te āta
wānangatia i konei ngā tikanga whakaputa i te waiora,
te hāora, me te mauriora o ngā ao, o ngā atua me o
ngā tāngata, ka āta whakatakoto i ngā tikanga
whakaataata i ēnei āhuatanga. Ka kawea haeretia e te
kaituhi kia whā ngā wāhanga. Koia tēnei te tuatahi o
aua wāhanga.
The first part of this paper looks at the first three stages
of Māori health, welfare, life principles and its origins.
One or two of the basic principles are mentioned
with reference to cause and effect. These principles
are inculcated into Māori culture as a means of
developing preventative cures, both long term and
short term.
The spirit of man and his/her growth patterns are
nurtured by the Gods, elements and their ancestors,
in the worlds in which they live. Te Kore, Te Pō, Te
Māramatanga-iti, Te Awatea, Te Ao-tūroa me te
Muriwai-hou. The ascent of man in accordance with
Māori Folklore discusses the oneness of man with his/
her environment. This action has contributed to good
health, strong social relationships and a pollutant free
society. The observations noted in Part One of this
paper are the recognition of Io-te-waiora, Tāne-te-waiora,
Papa-matua-te-kore, and Papa-tūā-nuku, and
their responsibilities to their generations, including
whakararo ana te titiro ki te katoa o ngā ao o te Māori,
ki te maha hoki o ngā atua, te rahi me te iti hoki o ngā
whakatipuranga i puta ki aua ao. Nā te mea kei te āta
wānangatia i konei ngā tikanga whakaputa i te waiora,
te hāora, me te mauriora o ngā ao, o ngā atua me o
ngā tāngata, ka āta whakatakoto i ngā tikanga
whakaataata i ēnei āhuatanga. Ka kawea haeretia e te
kaituhi kia whā ngā wāhanga. Koia tēnei te tuatahi o
aua wāhanga.
The first part of this paper looks at the first three stages
of Māori health, welfare, life principles and its origins.
One or two of the basic principles are mentioned
with reference to cause and effect. These principles
are inculcated into Māori culture as a means of
developing preventative cures, both long term and
short term.
The spirit of man and his/her growth patterns are
nurtured by the Gods, elements and their ancestors,
in the worlds in which they live. Te Kore, Te Pō, Te
Māramatanga-iti, Te Awatea, Te Ao-tūroa me te
Muriwai-hou. The ascent of man in accordance with
Māori Folklore discusses the oneness of man with his/
her environment. This action has contributed to good
health, strong social relationships and a pollutant free
society. The observations noted in Part One of this
paper are the recognition of Io-te-waiora, Tāne-te-waiora,
Papa-matua-te-kore, and Papa-tūā-nuku, and
their responsibilities to their generations, including
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