Te Tu a Te Kohanga Reo i Waenganui i te Whanau me te Tikanga Poipoi Tamariki
Nā te tautoko a Te Kaupapa Matua o ngā mahi
Ka tāea ngā mahi rangahau a Te Tari Hahu Take
Māori, arā, te Tari o Tā Himi Henare, i te wā 1994/95.
Ko ngā whānau i Otara, i Tamaki-makau-rau te take.
E rua ki te toru ngā whakatūpuranga te toro haere a
ngā whāwhā whakawā timo taimaha. Ko te tino take
whānui ko te tikanga poipoi tamariki a ngā whānau
noho tāone me ērā i ahu mai i ngā wā kāinga i roto o
Te Tai Tokerau. Nā ngā kuia me ngā, kaumātua tēnei
wāhanga mai i tō rātou ao tamariki. Tata ki te 50% te
maha o ngā whānau kei roto i tēnei whakahaere i
whaipānga ki Te Kōhanga Reo me te Kaupapa Kura
Māori, 50% horekau he pānga. Ko ngā tino mea a
tēnei mahi rangahau he titiro pēhea te tū a ngā rōpū
nei -Te Kōhanga Reo me to Kaupapa Kura Māori - i
te taha o ngā tikanga poipoi tamariki, he aha te take
tūturu i kaha ai ngā whānau Māori ki te aru i te reo me
ngā take kura kaupapa Māori mo ā rātou tamariki. He
aha hoki ngā mātua kīhai i whai atu, i tūtaha mai ai i
ngā kura ako i te reo. I puta, i kitea hoki ngā mea
whai take kē te manaaki ki te patu rānei i ngā tikanga
poipoi, tū awhina i ngā rōpū.
In a Foundation for Research, Science and Technology
funded study undertaken by the James Henare
Māori Research Centre in 1994/95, two and often three
generations of Tai Tokerau whānau living in Otara,
Auckland, participated in intensive interviews to establish
the factors relevant to Māori child socialisation
in urban settings, and through interviews with the
grandparent generation, in earlier rural contexts. Approximately
one half of the whānau were involved in
kōhanga reo/kura kaupapa schools. One half were not.
The specific focus of the paper is to explore the part
that kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa has to play in the
socialisation process, the motivations of families in
seeking Māori language and kaupapa Maori education
for their children, and the reasons parents opted
for or against Māori language schools. The factors with
the potential to enhance or undermine the socialising
and supporting roles of kōhanga were also identified.
Ka tāea ngā mahi rangahau a Te Tari Hahu Take
Māori, arā, te Tari o Tā Himi Henare, i te wā 1994/95.
Ko ngā whānau i Otara, i Tamaki-makau-rau te take.
E rua ki te toru ngā whakatūpuranga te toro haere a
ngā whāwhā whakawā timo taimaha. Ko te tino take
whānui ko te tikanga poipoi tamariki a ngā whānau
noho tāone me ērā i ahu mai i ngā wā kāinga i roto o
Te Tai Tokerau. Nā ngā kuia me ngā, kaumātua tēnei
wāhanga mai i tō rātou ao tamariki. Tata ki te 50% te
maha o ngā whānau kei roto i tēnei whakahaere i
whaipānga ki Te Kōhanga Reo me te Kaupapa Kura
Māori, 50% horekau he pānga. Ko ngā tino mea a
tēnei mahi rangahau he titiro pēhea te tū a ngā rōpū
nei -Te Kōhanga Reo me to Kaupapa Kura Māori - i
te taha o ngā tikanga poipoi tamariki, he aha te take
tūturu i kaha ai ngā whānau Māori ki te aru i te reo me
ngā take kura kaupapa Māori mo ā rātou tamariki. He
aha hoki ngā mātua kīhai i whai atu, i tūtaha mai ai i
ngā kura ako i te reo. I puta, i kitea hoki ngā mea
whai take kē te manaaki ki te patu rānei i ngā tikanga
poipoi, tū awhina i ngā rōpū.
In a Foundation for Research, Science and Technology
funded study undertaken by the James Henare
Māori Research Centre in 1994/95, two and often three
generations of Tai Tokerau whānau living in Otara,
Auckland, participated in intensive interviews to establish
the factors relevant to Māori child socialisation
in urban settings, and through interviews with the
grandparent generation, in earlier rural contexts. Approximately
one half of the whānau were involved in
kōhanga reo/kura kaupapa schools. One half were not.
The specific focus of the paper is to explore the part
that kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa has to play in the
socialisation process, the motivations of families in
seeking Māori language and kaupapa Maori education
for their children, and the reasons parents opted
for or against Māori language schools. The factors with
the potential to enhance or undermine the socialising
and supporting roles of kōhanga were also identified.
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