Can computer Assisted Translation Tools Improve the Productivity and Quality of Minority Languages Translations?
Whakarāpopoto Kōrero
Ko tā te tuhinga nei he titiro ki te mahi o tētehi pūnaha
rorohiko e āwhina atu i te kaiwhakamāori. Āe rānei, he
mea hei whakatika ake hei whakatere ake i te otinga o te
mahi whakamāori. Kāore rānei, he mea whakararu noa
iho i te mahi whakamāori. Ka kōrerotia ngā āhuatanga
o te mahi whakamāori kei ngā reo taketake o te ao, ka
kōrerotia ētehi pūnaha rorohiko hei āwhina atu i te mahi
nei, kātahi ka kōrero mō te Google Translator Toolkit.
Koia nā te pūnaha rorohiko i tuku ki ētehi kaiwhakamāori
i Aotearoa nei kia rongo atu ai i ō rātou whakaaro mō te
tautoko, kore-tautoko rānei, o te pūnaha nei. I rauika mai
ā rātou whakautu ki ngā kaupapa e whā; ko te tikanga o
te pūnaha nei, ko te tere o te whakamāori, ko te tika o te
whakamāori, ko te tohatoha hoki o ngā rauemi ki te hunga
whakamāori. I runga i te tokoiti o ngā kaiwhakamātau he
whakapae noa iho ngā whakatau, heoi anō ko te āhua
nei ka whai hua ngā reo taketake o te ao i ēnei momo
pūnaha rorohiko.
This paper examines the effect of a computer assisted
translation tool on the productivity and quality of
translations that are undertaken in minority languages.
The minority language translation environment is
described, and a range of computer tools that can assist
these translators is explained, with a focus on the Google
Translator Toolkit. A small-scale study was undertaken
where Māori language translators in New Zealand were
asked to use the Google Translator Toolkit and then
report back on its effectiveness. The responses were
grouped into areas of cultural acceptability, translation
productivity, quality, and community collaboration.
Due to the small number of participants the results are
somewhat anecdotal, but nevertheless suggest that such
technology can increase the productivity and quality of
minority language translations. It may also lead to more
collaboration amongst community language translators.
Ko tā te tuhinga nei he titiro ki te mahi o tētehi pūnaha
rorohiko e āwhina atu i te kaiwhakamāori. Āe rānei, he
mea hei whakatika ake hei whakatere ake i te otinga o te
mahi whakamāori. Kāore rānei, he mea whakararu noa
iho i te mahi whakamāori. Ka kōrerotia ngā āhuatanga
o te mahi whakamāori kei ngā reo taketake o te ao, ka
kōrerotia ētehi pūnaha rorohiko hei āwhina atu i te mahi
nei, kātahi ka kōrero mō te Google Translator Toolkit.
Koia nā te pūnaha rorohiko i tuku ki ētehi kaiwhakamāori
i Aotearoa nei kia rongo atu ai i ō rātou whakaaro mō te
tautoko, kore-tautoko rānei, o te pūnaha nei. I rauika mai
ā rātou whakautu ki ngā kaupapa e whā; ko te tikanga o
te pūnaha nei, ko te tere o te whakamāori, ko te tika o te
whakamāori, ko te tohatoha hoki o ngā rauemi ki te hunga
whakamāori. I runga i te tokoiti o ngā kaiwhakamātau he
whakapae noa iho ngā whakatau, heoi anō ko te āhua
nei ka whai hua ngā reo taketake o te ao i ēnei momo
pūnaha rorohiko.
This paper examines the effect of a computer assisted
translation tool on the productivity and quality of
translations that are undertaken in minority languages.
The minority language translation environment is
described, and a range of computer tools that can assist
these translators is explained, with a focus on the Google
Translator Toolkit. A small-scale study was undertaken
where Māori language translators in New Zealand were
asked to use the Google Translator Toolkit and then
report back on its effectiveness. The responses were
grouped into areas of cultural acceptability, translation
productivity, quality, and community collaboration.
Due to the small number of participants the results are
somewhat anecdotal, but nevertheless suggest that such
technology can increase the productivity and quality of
minority language translations. It may also lead to more
collaboration amongst community language translators.
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