He Pukenga Korero, Vol 2, No 1 (1996)

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Maori Representation in Parliament and Tino Rangatiratanga

Tina R Makereti Dahlberg


Ko tēnei tuhituhi ka āta tatari i te papa tū a te Māori ki
roto i te Whare Pāremata, kātahi ka titiro mehemea i
tūtuki anō ngā wawata me ngā tūmanako i huaina ki
te tino rangatira. Whāia ka tirohia hoki e tēnei tuhituhi
ngā momo whiu i kakati mai i te Māori, tae atu ki ngā
whakaūpoko o te ture kāore i aro ki te Māori ki te
Tiriti o Waitangi rānei. Ka whakawhitia ētahi atu
momo ūpoko kōrero i hangaia hei kātoitoi i te Māori.
Ka tirohia te whakatangata mai o aua kaupapa. Te tū
mārika o te momo whakarauika Māori anō tētahi
kaupapa ka wetewetea. Koia rā tonu ko te ngau atu i
te MMP pōtitanga me te āta tātari i te whakaūpoko i
te hiahia o te Māori kia toi tū me ētahi atu kōkiritanga
kia tau ki te matamata o te tino rangatiratanga.

This paper will examine the history of Māori
representation in Parliament and attempt to assess how
it may have affected Māori aspirations for tino
rangatiratanga. The paper will investigate any
significant barriers to the effective representation of
Māori in Parliament, in particular the lack of any real
constitution or constitutional position regarding Māori
or the Treaty of Waitangi. Other methods Māori use
to influence government policy making and legislation
will be contrasted against Parliamentary
representation. The possibility of a Māori Assembly,
Parliament or House will also be examined. Finally,
the possibilities presented by the Mixed Member
Proportional (MMP) electoral system will be discussed
and a final analysis will attempt to place Māori
Parliamentary representation on a continuum with
other forms of political action Māori may use to attain
tino rangatiratanga.

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