He Pukenga Korero, Vol 11, No 1 (2012)

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Adding 'Local' Flavour to the Māori Language Curriculum

Tangiwai Rewi, Karyn Paringatai, Whakarongotai Hokowhitu


Whakarāpopoto Kōrero
He tuhinga tēnei e aro ana ki ngā hua ki te uru atu ētahi
marau-ā-iwi, ā-hapori rānei ki te marautanga reo Māori
o Te Whanake, e whakaakohia ana i roto i Te Tumu i Te
Whare Wānanga o Otāgo. Ko tētahi putanga matua o te
rangahau nei e mea ana ka hōhonu ake ngā akoranga
me ngā māramatanga o ngā ākonga ki te whai atu rātou
i ētahi marau-ā-iwi, ā-hapori rānei. Mā tēnei ka kaha ake
tō rātou maumahara ki ngā akoranga hou, ki ngā wheako
whaiaro hoki.
This article investigates the benefits of localising Māori
language curriculum content alongside the Te Whanake
Series currently being taught in Te Tumu, University of
Otāgo. A key finding of the research is that students’
learning and understanding could be improved by
introducing a local context to aid students’ retention
of information and enhance their language learning

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