He Pukenga Korero, Vol 5, No 1 (1999)

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Maori Participation in Environmental Planning: Institutional Reform and Collaborative Management

Todd Taiepa


He roa te wā i waho a Ngāi Māori i ngā mahi whakahaere
i ō tātou whenua. Mai i tērā atu rau tau i tāmia ai te
tangata whenua e ngā ture a te Kāwanatanga. I ēnei rā
kua tīmata te tūwhera i ngā kūaha ki te Māori, engari kei
te noho tonu te mana whakahaere i te whenua ki ngā tari
kāwanatanga. Nō reira ka pēhea te rangatiratanga o te
iwi i roto i ēnei āhuatanga? Kei roto i tēnei tuhinga e
takoto ana ētahi whakaaro ki te kaupapa nui nei, te
whakapakari i te iwi Māori.

There are some key concerns regarding the ability of the
present legislative and policy frameworks to provide an
effective basis for implementing Treaty arrangements at
a local level, particularly in terms of environmental
management. While Treaty principles are recognised in a
number of statutes, processes for ensuring a practical and
timely implementation of these principles is lacking. This
paper highlights the need for the Crown to clarify its
commitment to supporting Māori participation in
environmental management, and suggests several means
by which Māori and the Crown might achieve this.

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