He Pukenga Korero, Vol 7, No 2 (2003)

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Toku Reo, Toku Mana! Toku Tuakiri! Toku Reo, Toku Mauri Ora! Te Reo, Ethnic Identity and Well-bein

Susan Gee, Māmari Stephans, Te Ripowai Higgins, James Liu


Kōrero Whakataki
Ko 30 Tau Neke Atu te wāhanga o tētahi rangahau
whānui. I āta tirohia te hononga i waenganui i te reo Māori me te tuakiri Māori i roto o Aotearoa nei. I whakahaerehia te rangahau nei i roto i te hunga torn tekau tau ki te whitu tekau mā iwa tau te pakeke. E warn rau, e rua tekau mā rima ngā tangata i whai wāhi mai ki te whakautu i ngā pukapātai, a, kotahi rau e rua tekau rātou i āta uiuia.
Ko tētahi whakakitenga o te rangahau, mehemea ka
tau te ngākau ki te reo, ka tau anō ko te mauri me te oranga. Ka pēnei te āhua ahakoa ngā piki me ngā heke o te taha tinana, te taha wairua, te taha whānau me te whai pānga āhuatanga hapori.
Mō te hunga i uiuia, he hononga i waenganui i te
matatau ki te reo me ngā tikanga Māori. Engari ehara i te
mea me mōhio te tangata ki te reo kia Māori anō tōna
tuakiri. Ki te pai ōna whakaaro mōna anō, ka kaha tonu
tōna tuakiri Māori.

As part of a larger research programme, the 30 Tau
Neke Atu project investigated te reo and Māori selfidentity as tonga for Māori in contemporary New Zealand society. The first phase of the study investigated the link between language-satisfaction and well-being amongst 825 Māori aged 30-79 who completed a written survey.
Te reo satisfaction was associated with greater life
satisfaction, even when physical, spiritual, family and
social inclusion factors were taken into account.
Interviews with 120 ofthe participants revealed that selfrated fluency in te reo Māori was linked with other aspects of cultural involvement, but was not a prerequisite for a positive self-identity as Māori. More positive Māori selfidentities wen" associated with better self-esteem.

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