A Maori Inquiry Paradigm -A Health Research Perspective
Whakarāpopoto Kōrero
Ahakoa kua puta te kōrero a te hunga Pukenga Māori
kia tirohia ngā ariā Māori mō te taha kaupapa rangahau,
kāore anō kia māro ēnei tuhinga. Whāia kua puta ētahi
momo tuhituhi e hākiri ake ana i ēnei ariā, ēngari kei roto
tonu i ngā tīmatatanga whakaaro aua tuhituhinga. I te
kore a tētahi momo ūmanga Māori ka noho tārewa tonu
ngā kaupapa rangahau Māori ka tautoko tonutia ngā
kaupapa rangahau whānui a tauiwi mā o te ao, me te
tirohanga whānui. He mea tika rawa kia āta whakaritea
he kaupapa rangahau Māori kia marama, kia maro ai tate
Māori titiro ki te rangahau i ōna āhuatanga, me ngā
I ara ake tēnei pepa, tēnei tuhinga āku i roto i taku
tuhinga roa mō te tohu tākutatanga; kaupapa rangahau.
Ahakoa i titiro taku kaupapa rangahau i te mārama o te
taha whakaatu hauora Māori, i takea mai hoki aua kōrero
i tā te Māori waihanga kaupapa rangahau titiro whānui.
Ka whakamārama tēnei tuhituhi i tētahi kaupapa uitanga,
ka whakamārama, ka tūhono atu aua whakamārama ki
ngā āhuatanga i ahu mai ai tātau i whea, he aha aua
āhuatanga rā, me ngā kaupapa tūhonotanga. Ko tēnei
kōrero ka tūhonotia ki ngā kaupapa rangahau hauora, he
whānui hoki te titiro.
Despite consensus among Māori academics about the
existence of distinctly Māori worldviews that underpin
Māori research approaches, these worldviews have yet
to be articulated. While there are some preliminary
writings that begin to illuminate the nature of a Māori
inquiry paradigm, this work is developmental. The lack
of an articulated Māori inquiry paradigm serves to
marginalise Māori research and support Western
paradigms and the position of universality. It is therefore
important to define a Māori inquiry paradigm more clearly
to provide a sound grounding for further development of
distinctly Māori research theory, methodology, and
This paper has emerged from a doctoral research
programme. Though the research programme focused on
conceptualising Māori health promotion, it was located
within a Māori inquiry paradigm and therefore the features of this paradigm were explored in some detail as a prerequisite to the broader study. The paper describes the meaning of an inquiry paradigm, provides rationale for the articulation of a Māori inquiry paradigm, and describes such a paradigm in terms of ontology, epistemology, and methodology. While a Māori inquiry paradigm is discussed from a health research perspective, it has wider application.
Ahakoa kua puta te kōrero a te hunga Pukenga Māori
kia tirohia ngā ariā Māori mō te taha kaupapa rangahau,
kāore anō kia māro ēnei tuhinga. Whāia kua puta ētahi
momo tuhituhi e hākiri ake ana i ēnei ariā, ēngari kei roto
tonu i ngā tīmatatanga whakaaro aua tuhituhinga. I te
kore a tētahi momo ūmanga Māori ka noho tārewa tonu
ngā kaupapa rangahau Māori ka tautoko tonutia ngā
kaupapa rangahau whānui a tauiwi mā o te ao, me te
tirohanga whānui. He mea tika rawa kia āta whakaritea
he kaupapa rangahau Māori kia marama, kia maro ai tate
Māori titiro ki te rangahau i ōna āhuatanga, me ngā
I ara ake tēnei pepa, tēnei tuhinga āku i roto i taku
tuhinga roa mō te tohu tākutatanga; kaupapa rangahau.
Ahakoa i titiro taku kaupapa rangahau i te mārama o te
taha whakaatu hauora Māori, i takea mai hoki aua kōrero
i tā te Māori waihanga kaupapa rangahau titiro whānui.
Ka whakamārama tēnei tuhituhi i tētahi kaupapa uitanga,
ka whakamārama, ka tūhono atu aua whakamārama ki
ngā āhuatanga i ahu mai ai tātau i whea, he aha aua
āhuatanga rā, me ngā kaupapa tūhonotanga. Ko tēnei
kōrero ka tūhonotia ki ngā kaupapa rangahau hauora, he
whānui hoki te titiro.
Despite consensus among Māori academics about the
existence of distinctly Māori worldviews that underpin
Māori research approaches, these worldviews have yet
to be articulated. While there are some preliminary
writings that begin to illuminate the nature of a Māori
inquiry paradigm, this work is developmental. The lack
of an articulated Māori inquiry paradigm serves to
marginalise Māori research and support Western
paradigms and the position of universality. It is therefore
important to define a Māori inquiry paradigm more clearly
to provide a sound grounding for further development of
distinctly Māori research theory, methodology, and
This paper has emerged from a doctoral research
programme. Though the research programme focused on
conceptualising Māori health promotion, it was located
within a Māori inquiry paradigm and therefore the features of this paradigm were explored in some detail as a prerequisite to the broader study. The paper describes the meaning of an inquiry paradigm, provides rationale for the articulation of a Māori inquiry paradigm, and describes such a paradigm in terms of ontology, epistemology, and methodology. While a Māori inquiry paradigm is discussed from a health research perspective, it has wider application.
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